My name is Susan Berg, and I answer to Sue, Su or Suse, as well as Susan; actually, I'd probably even answer to "Hey, you!". My grandfather used to say, "You can call me anything, except Late For Dinner." **G**
[If you are at SuseReads, be aware: I'm a very picky reader who prefers audiobooks; full of my own opinions and sometimes I gladly share them. :-) Lots of books get "read" via audiobook that I might have given up on if I was reading it via the printed word ... and very few turned out to be as "bad" as I expected (LOL) -- it was just not the book for that day but later I enjoyed it ...]
Besides getting through lots and lots of books a year (because I prefer audiobooks over radio, TV, DVDs, etc.), I love needlework, photography, digital scrapbooking, cooking (when the cats are not in the kitchen to "help"), and many other creative pursuits.
Woow, Billy is a big boy! Happy WW.
Oh man, Billy looks menacing. Great shot though.
what a big animal!! great shot.
Billy looks like one big happy beast.
Billy looks like a beast. As my daughter would say he's a big boy!
My oh My!
Happy WW
Thanks for your comment of my story. :)
It was Calvin and Hobbs, the comic strip.
Btw, Brian's wife Diane makes her own greeting cards with rubber stamps. Her blog is "The Rat's Nest". She posts pictures of her cards all the time.
Thanks again for your wonderful comment.
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